Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Some Stray Quotes

"Physics is said to be very difficult subject even physicists believe this. But if we make an elementary difference between creating new physics and understanding what others have done, physics, perhaps require no more patience or intelligence than poetry, foreign languages or any of the dozen products of human imagination; it is the reward that differs. Music or painting can touch our emotions in very direct way. In physics we hear no violins that sobs, see no image that threaten. There is drama in the creation and power in the result but our admiration for the work can be excited only by its elegance, constiency and eschetic wholeness (as perhaps is true for somewhat mythical pure novel) The forms are unfortunaletly less familiar than those we see in paintaing, hear an opera or read in a novel, but the cultivated testis equally rewarding."
"Expert is someone who know some of the worst mistakes that can be made in his subject and how to avoid them"
"Sometime ago there was a meeting of philosophers here in Copenhagen, during which members of Vienna Circle playeda prominrnt part. I was asked to address them on the interpretation of Quantum Theory. after my lecture no one raisedany objection or asked any embarrasing questions, but I must say this very fact proved terrible disappointment to me. for those who are not shocked when they first come acress Quantum Theorycannot possibly have understood it . Probably I spoke so badly that no one know what I was talking about"
" Post-colonial Theory looks at colonialism's strategies of representation of the native;the epistemological understanding of colonial projects; the "writting" of colonial histories; the feminisation, marginalisation and dehumanisation of native; the rise of nationalist and/or nativist discoures; the psychological effects of colonialism;the role of apparatuses like education, English studies, historiography art and architecture in the "excution" of the colonised projects."

" Is the Top defined by your position, standing and prestige in your community( extrinsic approval) or is the Top a state of mind (Intrinsic approval)"

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